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Amazing grace! How sweet the sound. John 3:16 is the most famous Bible text, because it reveals to us the Great love that our creator have towards all of us. It says; “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Isn’t that a “Good News”? Yes. It is called the “Gospel”.
Similar to the gospel is the “Everlasting Gospel” recorded in Revelation 14:6-12. It is the “Three Angels’ Messages” of love from a loving God to the people of this world. This is God’s ultimatum to us, the people, who are living on this planet Earth; An urgent and clear warning which everyone who desires to have everlasting life must take seriously. An earlier similar ultimatum was given by Jesus Christ to the inhabitants of Jerusalem regarding the coming destruction upon the city. Matthew 24:12-21. In AD 70, Jerusalem was brutally destroyed by the Roman army. Only those who heeded the warning - watched for the sign of the coming ruin - escaped.
A striking comparable example of this God’s ultimatum is the one passionately given to the residents of New Orleans just before hurricane Katrina struck. Days before the August 2005 hurricane Katrina, which cataclysmically devastated the city of New Orleans, the city Mayor, Clarence Ray Nagin, Jr. pleaded with the city dwellers to please voluntarily evacuate. As the landfall of the hurricane was near he made the evacuation mandatory and urged residents to consider escaping "the mother of all storms". "You need to be scared," Nagin said of the Category 4 hurricane tearing along Cuba's western coast. "You need to be concerned, and you need to get yourselves moving out of New Orleans right now. This is the storm of the century." "This storm is so powerful and growing more powerful every day," Nagin said. "I'm not sure we've seen anything like this." Nagin later reported that the city had evacuated roughly 10,000 people on buses, trains and planes, in addition to the thousands who left on their own. Buses from collection points continued running until it was no longer possible to do so. However, there were those who remained in the city and they suffered so much. Overall, about 1,464 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods, making it the deadliest United States hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane. Total property damage was estimated at $108 billion (2005 USD). But those who heeded the warning and left the city were spared of the sufferings and deaths that resulted.
More serious than hurricane Katrina is the apocalyptic calamity that is destined to come upon the inhabitants of the earth, and for which God in his mercy gave us urgent warnings in Revelation 14:6-12 by 3 angels, and they are as follows:
1st Angel’s Message – Give glory and honor to God, who in the beginning created the heaven and the earth and everything that is in them, by obeying all His commandments, statutes and judgements. – “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice; Fear God (Yahweh), and give glory to Him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.”
2nd Angel’s Message - Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen. Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. – “And there followed another angel, saying; Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication”.
3rd Angel’s Message – Do not receive the mark of the beast, who is also called Antichrist. - “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice; If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”
It is sad to admit that many people on earth today, Christians and non-Christians, have been deceived and are innocently or blindly following the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, who all with their unclean spirits of devils, are working miracles and wonders by which they are able to mesmerize lots of unsuspecting followers, as they appear to be the true servants of Jehovah while they secretly worship Lucifer. Jesus warned us “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many”. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect, (that is, the born again Christians who are totally surrendered). Behold, I have told you before.” Matthew 24: 3-25. “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;” 1Tim. 4:1, 2.
Have you ever wondered why we have so many kinds of denominations and religious systems with such great differences in the way they worship? Ask yourself; “What is the proof, and how am I sure, that I am in the right association, and not in the wrong one?” Is your pastor telling you all the truth that God wants you to know? Is your religious leader innocently deceived, sincerely wrong or is he an outright liar? Or is he a true man of God? How can you know who is a false prophet and false teacher? Could it be that you are paying your church to deceive you and keep you in darkness till you receive the mark of the beast? Somehow each individual sect, group, denomination or religion, believes she is the perfectly right one while all others are not.
Revelation 12, 13, 14, 17 & 18 clearly identify: † The Antichrist, † The Beast, † The Mark of the Beast, † The Image of the Beast, † The Name of the Beast, † The Number of the Beast, † The Identity of the False Teachers, † The Identity of the False Prophets, † The Identity of the Fake Pastors, † The False Miracles, † The Remnant and † The Relevance of the Decalogue and Torah. Etc.
If you ask seven individuals the question; “who is the antichrist?” you may get up to seven different answers and that may include “I don't know”. The good news is that all these confusions are forever settled and you can never be unknowingly deceived again. “The Last Message” will forever remove confusions and differences and bring about unity and love among all people as the truth is made so plain.
This illustrated book presents the “Three Angels’ Messages”, which is Gods final ultimatum for the human race in a very simple way, so that everyone including the children can easily and clearly understand the final warning. This book consists of:
† 348 pages.
† Over 150 pictures, most of them in full color.
† The font size is point 12 large, so it is easy to read.
An excellent book on end time prophecy, for personal and group studies. A book for this moment in our time; providing the keys to unlock the famous age-old mysteries. If you have been trying to make sense of what is going on all around the world today, this book is for you. It makes Revelation prophecy so simple.
What's behind the New World Order: See how it will affect you, your paycheck, your bank savings account, your investments, your freedom, your family and your religion! The hidden agenda almost no one dares to discuss...
This book will excite you, thrill you, amuse you, provoke you, inspire you, educate you, edify you, and prosper you. You are in for an unforgettable ride on an amazing journey of a lifetime. Welcome onboard. Just relax as you read this book and let the words sink in.
Start reading The Last Message today. This is a life-changing book that you will like to keep its stacks around your house, your office and in your car and give it out constantly to people. It cuts to the heart of every religion, and whatever your conviction is, you will find reading this book a rewarding undertaking. Don’t wait to be told or eavesdrop. Get the scoop firsthand. The whole enchilada.
“Okaybabs, this is excellent! I would love to use the presentation contained in the manuscript to share with others. You put a lot of work into this, and a person would have to be under a spell or working for the enemy, to deny the truths it contains. Overwhelmingly convincing! This fellowship with you I am sure will sharpen me up. God Bless you and thank you for sharing what God has blessed you to know. The Holy Spirit is using you. You write very clearly and concisely. I am honored for reviewing this priceless document. Priceless because of the truths it contains and placed in such an organized manner.” - Harold Baker, California, USA
“You touched just about every important Bible doctrines in one book!” – Frank Savoy, Author of “Truth Decay”, Midlothian, Virginia, USA.
Hi Brother Okaybabs, I read the one chapter you sent me, and I can’t say that I disagree with anything yet. I feel that I need to learn more. Your art is also amazing (I’ve never seen art like that). I want to read more. Can you or Do you sell your book yet? Even in PDF form? I want to learn more about this message. Blessings.” - Nicole Rasa, Riverside, California, USA.
“Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day of salvation”. 2Corinthians 6:2. Act today and do not procrastinate. Shalom.
Chapter 1. What Do You Believe?…………..……….....…………...……..………...7
Chapter 2. Perfectly Created in the Beginning…….............................................15
Chapter 3. The Signs of the End - Deceptions by False Prophets & Teachers...17
Chapter 4. More Signs of the End - Natural disasters, wars, wickedness etc.…29
Chapter 5. The Beast Identified……….……………….……..……..….....……..…71
Extension -The Reformers Testify of the Beast..………………….....…….…..…116
------------- Prophecies of Daniel Also Bear Witness.………..…...….....……….119
------------- Courageous Ian Paisley Testifies.…….………..………….…….......122
------------- Compassionate John Fullerton MacArthur, Jr. Testifies…......….....124
------------- Countless Godly Men through the Ages Testify with Unanimity......126
Chapter 6. God’s Seal.……..……….…………………………….…...……....…..127
Chapter 7. Tricked Into Worship?.....................….......….……….……........…..139
Chapter 8. The Churches Declare the Truth.……………………...…......……...165
Chapter 9. The Seal of God or the Mark of the Beast. What’s Your Choice?...225
Chapter 10. The Mark of the Beast..….……….…………………...…….............229
Chapter 11. Ecumenism - A Counterfeit and Perversion of John 17 Uni.........233
Chapter 12. America! The Second Beast of Revelation 13…....…...................253
Chapter 13. Origin, History and Objects of Sunday Worship and Laws... …….261
Chapter 14. Why Sunday Laws Are Wrong …………………….....………….....275
Chapter 15. Religious Persecution under Sunday Laws..…......................…...277
Chapter 16. The Escalation: Closer and.. Louder…….………………………....289
Chapter 17. Out of Babylon into the Remnant.……………........………………..295
Chapter 18. The True (Remnant) Church Identified……....…………...………..301
-------------- The Final Remnant.…….…………......….........…… …...…….…...303
Chapter 19. You are Invited...……………………..……………………….........…305
Chapter 20. Satan Discusses His Plans.………..………...……...……………....309
Chapter 21. The Ten Commandments...….………………....……..……..……...313
-------------- Think it Through………….…………..….……….........…..……….….315
Chapter 22. $1,000,000 Reward for a Missing Bible Text....……………...….317
Extras----- Proclamation….…...……..…..……………………….......…….….….321
-------------- Statement of Gratitude…………….………………………....... .……322
-------------- Walking – The Easiest Way to Live Longer…….………….....….....324
-------------- Divine Affordable Family Health Care Plan……..…………......…...327
-------------- Ekele Nwankwo’s Revelation…………………………….......…...….329
-------------- Daniel Helder’s Dream.……………………..…..………….......….….329
-------------- Saeed Shapoori’s Dream…………………………………......…..…..331
-------------- Love’s Dream…………..………...………………………........…..…..333
-------------- A Train of Cars – An Early 1850s Vision……..………….…........….334
-------------- Contacts..……………………..……………………….........………….336
-------------- Other Books by Okaybabs……………………………….......…...…..337
-------------- You who have ear, listen to the Holy Spirit…………..…...…...…….344
-------------- The Last Message Study Group Initiatives….…………….....……...345
-------------- “ReadShare” Book Lending Library Record Sheet.…............….....346
-------------- COUPON: Get 1 FREE copy of The Last Message ….......………347
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